Growing Automatic Seeds: Your comprehensive guide to maximum yield
Von: Tommy | Zuletzt aktualisiert: 30. September 2024 | Lesezeit: 6 Minuten

Growing Automatic Seeds: Your comprehensive guide to maximum yield

Why Automatic Seeds are the perfect choice for growers

Automatic Seeds , also known as autoflowering seeds, are a revolutionary development in the field of cannabis cultivation. These seeds begin flowering regardless of light cycles, making them particularly easy to care for and ideal for beginners. Whether you are making your first attempts at growing cannabis or are an experienced grower looking for efficient solutions, Automatic Seeds has you covered.

The advantages of growing Automatic Seeds

Easy to use: Since Automatic Seeds flower independently of the light cycle, you don't have to worry about adjusting the lighting. This saves time and effort, especially when growing outdoors.

Fast Harvest: Most automatic seeds only take 8 to 10 weeks from germination to harvest. This allows you to harvest multiple crops per year, which is especially attractive for commercial growers.

Compact plants: These plants tend to stay smaller and more compact than photoperiod strains. This makes them ideal for growing in limited spaces, be it a small garden or a discreet indoor grow.

Ordering Automatic Seeds: What you should pay attention to

When ordering automatic seeds, you should pay attention to the quality and reliability of the supplier. Trustworthy seed banks guarantee you seeds that have a high germination rate and the desired properties. It is worth reading reviews and testimonials from other breeders before buying to ensure that you get the best seeds for your needs.

Seeding: The first step to successful cultivation

Growing Automatic Seeds begins with seeding, or sowing the seeds. Here it is important to plant the seeds directly in the final pot to avoid the stress of repotting. Automatic Seeds grow quickly and do not have time to recover from the shock caused by repotting.

Here’s how to go about seeding:

  1. Prepare the soil: Automatic seeds prefer a light, well-drained soil. You can use a mixture of peat moss, compost and perlite to create the optimal soil structure.

  2. Planting seeds: Plant the seeds about 1 cm deep in the soil. Keep the soil evenly moist, but avoid waterlogging.

  3. Light and temperature: During germination, it is important that the seeds receive enough light and that the temperature remains between 22-25°C. A high humidity of 70-90% promotes germination.

Step-by-step guide: Growing Automatic Seeds

Week 1: Germination and early seedling stage

During the first week, everything is focused on seed germination. The seeds begin to sprout and send a root into the soil. Make sure that the conditions for germination are optimal: a humidity of 70-90% and a temperature between 22-25°C.

Tip: Use light and well-aerated soil for germination. A mixture of peat moss, compost and perlite is ideal.

Week 2: Late seedling stage

In the second week, your seedling will have established itself and will start to develop more leaves. Photosynthesis will also begin at this point. Make sure your plant gets enough light - around 18 hours a day is ideal. A 250W LED lamp is sufficient to promote growth.

Nutrient supply: Start by giving nutrients, but at a reduced dose (¼–½ the recommended amount). This will help keep the plant healthy without overloading it.

Week 3: Vegetative growth

In the third week, your plant will become stronger and grow faster. Now is the time to start low-stress training (LST). Gently bend the main shoots to balance the canopy and maximize light exposure. Make sure that the relative humidity is around 50% and the temperature stays around 20°C.

Watering: Your plant will be thirstier now. Make sure the soil is moist but not too wet. Only water when the top layer of soil is dry.

Week 4: Preparing for flowering

In week 4, your plant will prepare for flowering. You should complete the low-stress training and keep the plant in its shape to avoid stress during the flowering phase. Keep the humidity at 45% and the temperature constant at 20°C.

Flowering: Look for the first signs of pre-flowering on the nodes of your plant. This is a sign that the flowering phase is about to begin.

Week 5: The flowering phase begins

In the fifth week, your plant will begin to flower. You will see small hairs at the buds, which will later turn into dense, resinous flowers. Now it is important to change the light color of your lamp from blue to red to encourage flower formation.

Nutrients: Adjust the nutrient supply to the needs of the flowering phase. Use fertilizers that are rich in phosphorus, potassium and magnesium, but contain less nitrogen.

Week 6: Intensification of flower formation

In the sixth week, the scent of your plants will become more intense and the flowers will begin to grow significantly in size. The humidity should now be reduced to around 40% to minimize the risk of mold growth. Keep the temperature at around 24°C.

Control: Check plants regularly for signs of mold or hermaphroditism. Remove affected plants to avoid contamination of the rest of the crop.

Week 7: Care and monitoring

Week seven is all about maintenance and inspection. Continue to monitor humidity and temperature carefully to ensure optimal growing conditions. Pests such as spider mites and thrips can be a problem now, so regular inspection is necessary.

Nutrients: Continue feeding, but be careful not to overfeed the plant. At this point, nutrients should be balanced to support growth and flowering.

Week 8: Rinsing and preparation for harvest

In week eight, your plants are getting ready for harvest. Now is the time to start flushing to remove excess nutrients from the soil. This will improve the flavor of the flowers and ensure a cleaner harvest.

Defoliation: Remove excess leaves, especially the lower fan leaves. This increases air circulation and reduces the risk of mold.

Week 9: The finish line is in sight

Week 9 is crucial. The buds should now be almost ready for harvest. The trichomes should have turned a milky color and the pistils of the buds should have turned reddish. Keep the environmental conditions stable to keep the plants healthy until harvest.

Final preparations: Continue watering the plants, but at a reduced rate. Too much water in the last few days can prolong the drying process after harvest.

Week 10: Harvest time!

In the tenth week, the time has finally come - your plants are ready to harvest! Carefully cut the buds and immediately begin drying and curing to preserve the full aroma and potency.

Harvesting method: If not all the flowers are ripe at the same time, you can use a progressive harvesting method. Harvest the ripest flowers first and let the others ripen a little longer.

Which automatic seeds should you choose?

With the large selection of automatic seeds, it can be difficult to find the right variety. Consider the following criteria when making your selection:

  • Growing time: Some varieties are faster than others. Choose a variety that fits your schedule.
  • Size: Consider how much space you have available. Some automatic seeds stay very small, while others can grow a little larger.
  • THC and CBD content: Choose a strain with the right cannabinoid profile depending on the desired effect.

Conclusion: Growing Automatic Seeds made easy

Automatic Seeds offer a straightforward and efficient way to grow high-quality cannabis plants. With the right guidance and a little care, you can harvest impressive crops in just 10 weeks. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced grower, you can't go wrong with Automatic Seeds.

Ready to grow your own Automatic Seeds? Visit our online shop and order your Automatic Seeds today! With our instructions and a little patience, you will soon have your first successful harvest.


Tommy ist der Gründer von PLANET SEED und teilt sein umfassendes Wissen rund um den Cannabis-Anbau. Mit über 15 Jahren Anbauerfahrung ist er ein echter Experte auf diesem Gebiet und betreibt erfolgreich seinen eigenen Blog. Seit Mitte 2024 ist er außerdem Inhaber des Online-Shops Planet Seed, wo er hochwertige Samen und Zubehör für den Cannabis-Anbau anbietet. Seine Leidenschaft und Expertise machen ihn zu einer vertrauenswürdigen Quelle für alle, die sich für den Anbau und die Welt von Cannabis interessieren.