Buy Growbox Complete Set

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Basics and introduction

What is a grow box and what is it used for?

A grow box is a closed, controlled environment in which you can grow plants regardless of external weather conditions. It usually consists of a tent or housing that is light- and airtight to create an optimal climate for growing cannabis . In a grow box, you can grow plants all year round - regardless of whether it is raining, snowing or sunny outside.

The main advantage of a grow box is the complete control over light, air, water and temperature. This allows your plants to grow continuously without fluctuations, which is often not the case with outdoor cultivation. You also protect your plants from pests and diseases that are more common in the wild. Whether in an apartment, a basement or a garden shed - a grow box offers you the flexibility to provide your plants with exactly the environment they need for healthy growth.

What are the benefits of growing in a controlled environment?

One of the biggest advantages of growing in a grow box is the complete control over the growing conditions . You can perfectly adjust the entire environment for your plants, which means that external influences such as bad weather, temperature fluctuations or pests do not play a role. This optimal control over the environment often means that your plants grow faster and healthier than when grown outdoors.

Here are some other advantages of growing in a grow box:

  • Independence from weather and seasons: You can grow plants all year round, regardless of the season or the weather outside.
  • More efficient use of water and nutrients: In a grow box you can use water and nutrients more specifically and efficiently, which makes cultivation more sustainable.
  • Protection from pests and diseases: Since your plants grow in a closed environment, they are better protected from external influences. You minimize the risk of pest infestation and diseases.
  • Faster growth: Under ideal conditions, plants grow faster and stronger because they consistently receive the right amount of light, water and nutrients.

These advantages make indoor cultivation an attractive option not only for experienced growers but also for beginners.

Why is a complete grow box set particularly practical?

A complete grow box set is particularly practical because it makes it much easier for you to get started with indoor cultivation. Instead of buying all the components individually and laboriously ensuring that they are compatible with each other, a complete set gives you everything you need in one box. This means less stress, less research and a quicker start to your grow project.

What are the advantages of a complete set compared to individual components?

Opting for a complete kit offers many advantages over purchasing individual parts. Here are the main reasons why a complete kit is a smart choice:

  1. Compatibility: All components in the set are designed to work together. This means you don't have to worry about whether the lighting, ventilation system or other parts fit together. Everything works smoothly and you save the time you would otherwise have to invest in finding the right components.

  2. Easy to use: Complete sets often come with instructions that explain exactly how to set up the grow box and put it into operation. You don't have to be a professional to get started - with a complete set you'll be ready to go in just a few steps.

  3. Cost savings: Complete sets are often cheaper than buying the components individually. Manufacturers offer these sets at a discounted price, so you not only save time but also money.

  4. Get started quickly: With a complete kit, you can start growing right away without having to worry about sourcing additional parts. The kit contains everything you need - from lighting and ventilation to small parts such as timers and thermometers.

  5. Optimal performance: The components included in the set are often selected so that together they create the best conditions for your plants. Even light distribution, optimal air circulation and perfectly coordinated components ensure healthy plant growth.

An example of a practical and versatile set would be the Growbox Complete Set 120x120x200 , which is ideal for medium to large growing projects. The Growbox Complete Set 60x60x160 is suitable for smaller projects and offers a great solution, especially for beginners.

With a complete grow box set, you can immerse yourself in the world of indoor cultivation without much effort. Whether you are a beginner or already have experience in gardening, a complete set makes it easy to get started and ensures that you have all the tools you need to successfully cultivate your plants.

Structure and components of a grow box complete set

Which components are included in a complete grow box set?

A complete grow box set includes all the important components you need for successful indoor cultivation. These sets are designed so that the individual components are perfectly coordinated, which enables you to operate smoothly. The following parts are part of a typical complete grow box set:

  1. Grow tent (grow box):

    • The grow tent forms the basis of the set and serves as an enclosed space for growing your plants. It is light- and airtight and has a reflective inner coating that distributes the light evenly across the plants. The tent also ensures a stable climate as it keeps heat and moisture inside and protects you from external influences. Depending on the space available and the number of plants, you can choose between different sizes, such as the Growbox Complete Set 100x100x200 , which is suitable for medium-sized growing projects.

  2. Lighting system:

    • Lighting is an essential part of the grow box as it replaces natural sunlight. There are two common types of lamps that can be included in a complete set:
      • LED lights: They are energy efficient and produce less heat, meaning you have less to worry about overheating. They also provide a broad spectrum of light that can be adjusted to suit the different growth stages of your plants.

      • Sodium vapor lamps (SDL): These lamps produce an intense light that is particularly beneficial for the flowering phase of your plants. However, they consume more energy and give off more heat, which requires an effective ventilation system.

  3. Ventilation system:

    • A good ventilation system ensures that your plants always get fresh air and excess heat is removed. A typical ventilation system consists of an exhaust fan that removes the hot air from the box and an air intake that brings fresh air inside. This air circulation is extremely important for growing, as your plants need oxygen for photosynthesis.

  4. Activated carbon filter:

    • The activated carbon filter is an essential cannabis accessory if you want to minimize odors. Especially with strongly scented plants, the filter ensures that the air escaping from the grow box is clean and odor-free. This is especially practical if you set up your grow box in living spaces.

  5. Recirculation fans:

    • In addition to the exhaust system, smaller recirculation fans ensure that the air is evenly distributed within the grow box. These prevent heat or moisture from accumulating in certain places and help to stabilize the climate for the plants.

  6. Timers and control units:

    • With a timer , you can program the lighting and ventilation system to automatically turn on and off at the right times. This is important to simulate your plants' natural day-night cycle, which is crucial for their growth, and eliminates the need for constant manual intervention.

  7. Thermometer and hygrometer:

    • To accurately monitor the climate in your grow box, thermometers and hygrometers are often included in a complete set. These measure the temperature and humidity so you can ensure that your plants always grow in optimal conditions.

Which lighting systems are included in a grow box set?

The lighting system in your grow box plays a crucial role because it provides the necessary light that your plants need for photosynthesis. There are two main types of lighting that are often included in grow box kits: LED lamps and high-pressure sodium lamps (HVAC) . Both have their own advantages and are suitable for different needs.

  1. LED lamps:

    • Advantages: LED lamps are particularly energy efficient and long-lasting. They use significantly less electricity than sodium vapor lamps and at the same time generate less heat, which keeps the temperature in the grow box more stable. Another advantage is that LEDs offer a broad light spectrum that you can adapt to the different growth phases of your plants. This leads to better plant growth and increased yields.
    • Disadvantages: The purchase price of LED lamps can be higher than that of HPS lamps, but these costs are quickly offset by the lower operating costs and longer service life.

  2. Sodium vapor lamps (NDL):

    • Pros: Known for their powerful light output, which is especially beneficial during the flowering phase of your plants, sodium vapor lights are a tried and tested option that is widely used in the growing community.
    • Disadvantages: These lamps consume more electricity and generate more heat, which requires a more effective ventilation system. In addition, HPS lamps are less flexible because they do not offer an adjustable light spectrum.

The choice between LED and HPS often depends on your priorities. If you are looking for an energy-efficient solution and are willing to invest a little more, LED lamps are an excellent choice. If, on the other hand, you are looking for strong light output and proven technology, HPS lamps are a good alternative.

How does the ventilation system in a grow box work?

The ventilation system in a grow box ensures that your plants are always supplied with fresh air and the temperature remains constant. This is crucial to promote healthy growth and avoid problems such as mold or overheating.

  1. Exhaust fan:
    The exhaust fan is responsible for directing the warm and humid air from the grow box to the outside. This prevents the air from stagnating and the temperature in the box from rising too much. At the same time, the exhaust fan helps to bring CO2 from the ambient air to the plants, which is necessary for photosynthesis.

  2. Supply air inlet:
    The air inlet ensures that fresh air from outside enters the grow box. This can happen either passively (through pressure differences) or actively (through another fan). The fresh air brings with it oxygen and CO2, which the plants need for their growth.

  3. Recirculation fans:
    These small fans distribute the air evenly within the box so that all plants benefit from the fresh air. They also prevent so-called "hot spots" from forming in the box, i.e. areas where the temperature rises too much.

A well-functioning ventilation system is crucial to providing optimal growing conditions for your plants. Without proper ventilation, heat and moisture can build up, which can lead to mold, disease, and slowed plant growth.

Why is an activated carbon filter important for the ventilation system?

An activated carbon filter is an essential part of your ventilation system, especially if you are growing strong-smelling plants like cannabis. The filter ensures that odors that arise during growth are neutralized before the air is released to the outside.

  • Odor control: Activated carbon filters bind odor molecules and ensure that the air leaving your grow box is clean and odor-free. This is especially important if you are growing indoors or near neighbors.

  • Air quality: In addition to controlling odors, the filter also ensures overall better air quality by removing harmful particles from the air that could harm your plants or your health.

With an activated carbon filter, you can ensure that your grow box does not emit any unpleasant smells into the room while your plants thrive optimally. If you are looking for a set with an activated carbon filter, the Growbox Complete Set 80x80x180 could be a good choice.

Selection and purchase decision

How do I find the right size for my grow box?

The size of the grow box is a crucial factor that depends on various aspects. The right choice not only influences plant growth, but also how much space you need for your cultivation project. To find the right grow box for your project, you should consider the following factors:

  1. Available space:
    First, you should measure the room in which you want to set up your grow box. A basement, an empty room or a corner in the living area - the location largely determines the size of the grow box. Make sure that there is enough space around the box to ensure air circulation and to make access easier. If you have limited space, a smaller set such as the Growbox Complete Set 60x60x160 could be the perfect choice. For medium to larger projects, the Growbox Complete Set 120x120x200 would be ideal.

  2. Number of plants:
    Depending on how many plants you want to grow at the same time, you will need a box of different sizes. Smaller boxes are suitable for growing two to four plants, while larger grow tents offer space for significantly more. If you plan to grow only a few plants or grow as a hobby, a smaller box is perfectly sufficient. For larger harvests or if you want to grow several types of plants at the same time, you should go for a larger grow box.

  3. Height of plants:
    Also consider the height of your plants. If you are growing plants such as tomatoes or other tall plants, you will need a box with sufficient height. Lighting also takes up space, so don't forget to include the distance between the lamp and the plants in your planning. Plants that shoot up usually need boxes that are at least 180 cm high. In this case, a set such as the Growbox Complete Set 80x80x180 could be a good fit.

  4. Future scalability:
    If you plan to expand your cultivation in the future, it is worth buying a larger box straight away. This way you avoid having to buy completely new equipment later. A larger grow box offers you more flexibility and the opportunity to gradually expand your cultivation project.

Don't just choose a grow box based on your current needs, but also think about the future. If you want to increase your cultivation, it's wise to choose a larger set to avoid having to reconfigure later.

Premium or budget: Which grow box complete set is right for me?

Choosing between a premium set and a budget set depends on your individual needs and budget. Both options have advantages and disadvantages that you should consider when making your decision.

  1. Advantages of a premium grow box complete set:
    Premium sets are characterized by high-quality materials, more powerful components and often greater user-friendliness. If you are thinking long-term and want smooth operation, premium models are the right choice.

    Typical advantages of a premium set:

    • Longer lifespan: The materials and technology in premium sets are generally more robust and last longer.
    • Higher efficiency: Premium components, such as powerful LED lamps or high-quality ventilation systems, work more efficiently and reduce operating costs in the long term.
    • Better results: Since all components are perfectly matched, premium sets often produce better yields because your plants grow under optimal conditions.

    However, premium sets are more expensive to purchase, but this is quickly offset by the higher quality and longer service life.

  2. When is it worth buying a budget grow box complete set?
    A budget kit is ideal for beginners or hobby gardeners who don't want to invest in expensive equipment right away. These kits offer everything you need to get started without breaking your budget. Budget kits are also a good choice if you're unsure whether indoor growing is right for you and you want to try it out first.

    Typical advantages of a budget set:

    • Affordable entry: Budget sets allow you to get started with indoor cultivation at a low cost.
    • Sufficient for small projects: If you only have a small growing project, budget sets are often sufficient to achieve good results.
    • Ideal for beginners: Many budget sets are easy to use and offer everything you need for the first steps.

    The downside of a budget kit is that the components are often less durable and you may need replacement parts sooner. Additionally, yields may not be as high as with a premium kit because the lighting and ventilation systems are less powerful.

Lighting and technology

What role does the light spectrum play in plant growth?

The light spectrum plays a crucial role in plant growth because different wavelengths of light affect different plant growth processes. Plants need light for photosynthesis, which is the process by which they convert light energy into chemical energy. This energy is then used for the growth and development of the plant. However, different stages of growth require different light conditions and the light spectrum must be adjusted accordingly.

  1. Blue light (400-500 nm):
    Blue light is particularly important in the plant's vegetative phase , i.e. the phase in which the plant forms leaves and roots. This light promotes compact growth of the plant and ensures strong, stable structures. It is essential for the plant to grow robustly and resiliently.

  2. Red light (600-700 nm):
    During the flowering or fruiting phase, plants need more red light. Red light promotes flower formation and fruit ripening. It is especially important if you want to maximize the harvest.

  3. Infrared and UV light:
    These wavelengths are also important, but in much smaller amounts. Infrared light can support elongation growth, while UV light plays a role in pest defense and the production of secondary plant compounds.

LED lamps offer the great advantage that you can individually adjust the light spectrum so that you can provide the right light for your plants depending on the growth phase. Sodium vapor lamps, on the other hand, are limited to the red area of ​​the spectrum and are therefore particularly suitable for the flowering phase.

Why is the right light spectrum so important for plant growth?

A well-balanced light spectrum is crucial as it optimally supports the different growth phases of the plants. Plants react to different colors of light with specific growth responses, and the wrong light spectrum can slow growth or prevent the plant from reaching its full potential.

Vegetation phase (growth phase):
The blue light spectrum is particularly important in this phase as it stimulates leaf growth and root formation. An incorrect light spectrum in this phase can cause the plants to "asparagus", i.e. shoot up unnaturally without developing a stable structure.

Flowering and fruiting phase:
During the flowering phase, the red light spectrum is crucial. It promotes flower formation and the production of fruits or seeds. Without sufficient red light, the flowering phase could be prolonged and the plants could produce less yield.

The right light spectrum will help you get the most out of each growth phase and enable your plants to grow healthier and more productively.

How do I optimally care for and monitor my plants in the grow box?

Proper care and monitoring of your plants in the grow box is essential to achieve the best possible results. The controlled environment gives you full control over light, temperature, humidity and nutrients. Here are some important aspects to consider:

  1. Monitor light cycles:
    Plants need fixed light cycles to grow optimally. For most plants, a cycle of 18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness is ideal during the vegetative phase. During the flowering phase, you should adjust the light cycle to 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness . Use a timer to regulate the light cycles automatically.

  2. Monitor temperature and humidity:
    You can use thermometers and hygrometers to monitor the temperature and humidity in your grow box. The optimal temperature is around 22-28°C during the day and 18-22°C at night. The humidity should be 60-70% during the vegetation phase and reduced to 40-50% during the flowering phase to prevent mold formation.

  3. Ensure ventilation:
    Good air circulation is crucial for growing plants as it aids in CO2 exchange and prevents heat and humidity from building up. Make sure your exhaust fan and recirculation fans are running evenly to keep the air moving.

  4. Water and nutrients:
    Plants in the grow box require careful watering, as the amount of water and the supply of nutrients have a direct influence on growth. Monitor the pH value with a pH meter  of water, which should ideally be between 5.8 and 6.5 . Make sure you provide your plants with enough nutrients, especially during the flowering phase, to achieve maximum yields.

  5. Pest control:
    Although the grow box provides a protected environment, it is important to check your plants regularly for pests. Look for signs of aphids, spider mites or mold, which can affect growth.

Through this monitoring and care, you create optimal conditions for your plants so that they grow healthily and produce high yields.

How can I maximize the yield of my plants in a grow box?

There are several techniques to maximize the yield of your plants in a grow tent . Some of these methods require more experience and attention, but can lead to significantly higher yields:

  • LST (Low Stress Training):
    This technique involves gently bending the stems of your plants to distribute the light more evenly across all parts of the plant. This allows more flowers and leaves to receive direct light, which can increase yield. LST is particularly gentle on the plant and is ideal for use in small grow boxes.

  • Topping:
    Topping is the process of cutting off the main stem of the plant to encourage the growth of side branches. This results in a bushier plant with more flowering sites, which increases yield. Topping requires some skill, but has the advantage of making your plants more compact and more responsive to light.

  • SCROG (Screen of Green):
    With this method, you stretch a net over your plants and let the shoots grow through it. This ensures an even distribution of light and prevents the plants from stretching too far upwards. SCROG is particularly effective for making the most of the space in the grow box and is well suited to plants with strong vertical growth, such as cannabis .

  • Optimizing nutrient intake:
    The right nutrient supply is crucial for the growth and flowering of your plants. In the vegetation phase , your plants mainly need nitrogen for strong leaf growth. In the flowering phase , however, potassium and phosphorus are more important because they support flower formation. Use high-quality cannabis fertilizer , which is tailored to the respective growth phases in order to provide your plants with the best possible nutrition. Make sure to regulate the pH value of the water so that the nutrients can be absorbed properly. To do this, take a look at the Hesi Fertilizer , Plagron Fertilizer and BioBizz Fertilizer sections.

  • Cannabis soil and substrates:
    An often underestimated factor in maximizing yield is choosing the right substrate. Special cannabis soil already contains the optimal nutrients and a good structure, which is important for root development. Soil that is well aerated promotes root growth and ensures that the plant can absorb nutrients more efficiently. Other substrates such as coconut fiber or hydroponic systems can also be used to increase yield, as they provide good oxygen supply and drainage.

  • Optimal lighting:
    Make sure your plants get enough light. Choosing the right lamp (e.g. Florastar LED or NDL ) and adjusting the light spectrum to the growth and flowering phases are crucial to maximizing yield. LED lamps offer the advantage that you can precisely control the spectrum, which optimizes photosynthesis. Make sure that the lamps are checked regularly and do not cause a lack of light on the lower parts of the plant.

  • Increase CO2 supply:
    An increased supply of CO2 can speed up the growth of your plants and increase yields. In a closed environment such as a grow box, the CO2 level can easily be increased using special CO2 cylinders, CO2 bags or CO2 tablets. An increased CO2 concentration during the flowering phase helps the plants to generate more energy for the formation of flowers and fruits.

  • Water and nutrient management:
    Consistent watering and precise nutrient delivery are essential to get the most out of your grow box. Use an automated watering system, for example, to ensure that the plants always receive the right amount of water. At the same time, it is important to drain excess water well to prevent root rot.

These advanced techniques allow you to fully exploit the potential of your plants in a grow box and achieve higher yields.

Maintenance and optimization

Why is it worth buying a complete grow box set in the long term?

Buying a complete grow box kit offers you many advantages in the long term, especially compared to a kit you put together yourself. There are several reasons why a complete kit can be the better choice:

  1. Time saving:
    With a complete set, you save yourself the time-consuming research and purchase of individual components. Everything you need for cultivation is already included and coordinated. This means less effort during setup and a quicker start to your cultivation project.

  2. Perfect coordination of components:
    The manufacturers of complete sets ensure that all parts, from lighting to ventilation, are optimally coordinated. This minimizes the risk of making bad purchases or technical problems that could arise if you put together individual components yourself.

  3. Cost efficiency:
    Complete sets are often cheaper than buying all the parts separately. Since the components in a set are usually offered as a package, manufacturers often offer a better price. In addition, by coordinating the components, you have less energy loss and more efficient use of resources, which also saves costs in the long run.

  4. Simplicity for beginners and professionals:
    Complete sets are designed to be suitable for both beginners and experienced growers. The ease of use and the well thought-out combination of components make it easier for beginners in particular to quickly start indoor cultivation. Professionals, in turn, benefit from the high quality and efficiency of a well-put-together set.

  5. Long-term reliability:
    Because premium kits use high-quality components, you'll typically have a longer lifespan for your equipment. Lighting systems like LED lights and durable tents ensure that you can use your grow box for many growing cycles without the need for frequent repairs or replacement parts.

  6. Better yield:
    By optimally coordinating lighting, ventilation and nutrient supply, you can maximize the growth and yield of your plants. Especially with premium complete sets, you get powerful lighting systems and well-thought-out ventilation that help you achieve higher yields.

Final conclusion

A complete grow box set is the perfect solution for growing plants indoors - whether you are just starting out or already have experience in growing. It offers you everything you need to get started right away and saves you the time-consuming search for suitable components. You benefit from optimally coordinated equipment that saves you time, money and energy in the long term.

The different sizes and equipment variants offer the right set for every situation, regardless of whether you are planning a small cultivation project or aiming for larger harvests. Thanks to the easy handling and efficiency that a complete grow box set offers, you can implement your project quickly and successfully.

So if you're looking to get started with indoor growing, don't hesitate to pick a suitable kit and get started right away. It could be the start of a new, rewarding experience - right in your own home!