How to water cannabis plants correctly: How often? How much?
Von: Tommy | Zuletzt aktualisiert: 11. September 2024 | Lesezeit: 3 Minuten

How to water cannabis plants correctly: How often? How much?

How to water cannabis plants correctly: How often? How much?

Proper watering is essential for the growth of your cannabis plants. It doesn't matter if you are a beginner or an experienced grower - watering cannabis plants is the most important aspect to consider. Overwatering can damage your plants just as much as underwatering, so knowing the right amount and frequency is crucial. In this guide, you will learn everything you need to know about watering your cannabis plants properly .

Why is proper irrigation so important?

Cannabis plants consist largely of water and therefore depend on a constant and correct water supply. Water not only serves as a means of transporting nutrients and minerals, but is also crucial for photosynthesis. It helps the plant to cool down and supports healthy growth. That's why you should ensure proper watering early on - even when the seeds are germinating.

How often should you water cannabis plants?

A simple rule is to water the plants whenever the soil is dry. To do this, stick your finger a few centimeters deep into the soil. If it is dry, it is time to water. Moist soil, on the other hand, means that you can wait. In general, as soon as the top 2-3 cm of soil is dry, you should add water.

The best times for watering

When growing indoors, it is recommended to water the plants shortly before switching on the lights. This prevents the roots from overheating during the light phase. Watering in the evening hours should be avoided, as the increased humidity can encourage mold growth.

How much water do cannabis plants need?

The "how much" depends on various factors: the stage of development of the plant, the size of the pot, the humidity and the temperature . Seedlings require less water than fully grown plants. For young plants, gentle watering with a spray bottle is advisable so as not to damage the delicate roots. Older plants can absorb more water, but here too, care should be taken not to give too much at once.

Influence of environmental factors

The humidity and temperature in your grow environment play a big role in water requirements. High humidity means plants need less water. Low humidity means more frequent watering. High temperatures speed up evaporation, which increases water requirements.

Water quality for cannabis plants

Not all water is suitable for watering cannabis plants. The water should have a temperature of around 20 degrees Celsius to avoid root shock. The pH value of the water is also important and should be between 6.0 and 6.5. Water that is too alkaline or acidic can affect the plants' nutrient absorption. The EC value of the water, which indicates the electrical conductivity and thus the salt concentration, should be between 0.2 and 0.5.

How do you recognize overwatering?

Overwatering is a common problem when watering . Signs include drooping, yellowish leaves and slow growth. If you notice that the plant is showing these symptoms, reduce the amount of water and let the soil dry out. If the problem is more serious, repotting in fresh soil is the only solution.

Detect and correct underwatering

Underwatering can also be problematic, although it is less common. Signs of this include wilting leaves and dry soil. In this case, the plant should be watered thoroughly until about 20% of the water drains through the pot.

Different irrigation methods

There are several methods to water your cannabis plants. Manually with a watering can or hose, through flood irrigation where the plant absorbs water from a saucer, or automated systems that facilitate the process. The latter are more expensive but provide consistent watering and make maintenance easier.


Careful and proper watering is essential for the well-being of your cannabis plants. Whether you water manually or use an automatic system, always make sure you know exactly what your plants need. By paying attention to factors such as humidity, temperature and water quality, you can ensure that your plants grow healthily and thrive.

If you follow these tips and methods, you will be able to water your cannabis plants properly and ensure the best possible growth.


Tommy ist der Gründer von PLANET SEED und teilt sein umfassendes Wissen rund um den Cannabis-Anbau. Mit über 15 Jahren Anbauerfahrung ist er ein echter Experte auf diesem Gebiet und betreibt erfolgreich seinen eigenen Blog. Seit Mitte 2024 ist er außerdem Inhaber des Online-Shops Planet Seed, wo er hochwertige Samen und Zubehör für den Cannabis-Anbau anbietet. Seine Leidenschaft und Expertise machen ihn zu einer vertrauenswürdigen Quelle für alle, die sich für den Anbau und die Welt von Cannabis interessieren.