Growing hemp indoors: How to do it without a grow box - Your guide
Von: Tommy | Zuletzt aktualisiert: 03. September 2024 | Lesezeit: 4 Minuten

Growing hemp indoors: How to do it without a grow box - Your guide


Growing cannabis indoors gives you the opportunity to cultivate your own plants regardless of external conditions. Without using a grow box, you can still achieve high-quality harvests if you consider a few basic factors. This guide will help you find the optimal space and the best techniques for growing indoors.

Why grow hemp indoors?

Growing cannabis indoors has many advantages. You can precisely control the conditions such as temperature, light and air circulation, which protects the plants from harmful environmental influences. In addition, indoor cultivation offers more discretion as you can hide the plants from prying eyes. Especially in rooms that are rarely used, you can create a safe and inconspicuous place for your plants.

Where to grow hemp indoors?

The ideal place to grow cannabis in your room depends on two main factors: light and privacy. A windowsill is an obvious choice, but often doesn't offer enough privacy. Alternatively, you can use unused closets or corners of your room. It is important that the location receives enough light, but is not directly visible. A south-facing room can get too hot in the summer, so good temperature control is essential.

Window sill cultivation

You can also grow cannabis on the windowsill without a grow box. It is important that the plants receive sufficient light and are protected from prying eyes. Autoflowering varieties are particularly suitable because they enter the flowering phase regardless of the light cycle. Make sure to use a pot that is as large as possible to give the plants enough space to grow.

Installation in unused rooms or cupboards

Another option is to grow cannabis in unused rooms or large closets. This method offers the advantage that you can better control light sources and ventilation. This way you can ensure even lighting and provide the necessary air circulation by using fans.

Important factors when growing hemp indoors

When growing hemp indoors, there are several factors you should consider to ensure a successful harvest.


Light is one of the most important factors for the growth of cannabis plants. Without a grow box, you need to make sure your plants get at least 12 hours of light a day. LED lamps are particularly suitable because they are energy efficient and offer a full spectrum of light. They produce less heat, which minimizes the risk of plant burns.


The ideal temperature for growing hemp is between 20 and 28 degrees Celsius. Temperatures that are too high or too low can have a negative impact on growth. Without a grow box, it is important to keep the room temperature constant, which can be achieved by using heaters or air conditioning.


Good ventilation is essential to prevent mold and pest infestation. Fresh air is also necessary for photosynthesis. If you are growing without a grow box, you should ventilate regularly and possibly use fans to ensure air circulation.


Hemp needs special nutrients to grow healthily. Therefore, use special growing soil and fertilizer that are tailored to the needs of the plant. Commercial potting soil is often not suitable because it does not contain enough nutrients.


Irrigation plays an important role. Only water the plants when the top layer of soil is dry. Be careful not to give too much or too little water to avoid root rot or nutrient deficiencies.


Can you keep hemp indoors?

Yes, you can grow cannabis indoors without any problem. In fact, it is a popular method because you have more control over conditions such as light and temperature.

Can you grow without a grow box?

Yes, you can grow hemp without a grow box. There are many alternatives such as growing on windowsills or using unused rooms. It is important that you ensure there is sufficient light, ventilation and temperature control.

How many grams does an indoor hemp plant produce per year?

The yield depends on many factors, such as the variety, growing conditions and care. On average, you can expect between 50 and 150 grams per plant per harvest. With optimal conditions and proper care, it can be more.

How long does it take for a hemp plant to grow?

The time to harvest varies depending on the strain and growing conditions. On average, it takes about 3 to 4 months from germination to harvest. Autoflowering strains are often faster and can be ready for harvest after just 2 to 3 months.

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Growing hemp indoors without a grow box is an interesting alternative that offers a lot of freedom. With the right preparation and care, you can achieve a satisfactory harvest even without professional equipment. It is important that you pay attention to the plant's needs in terms of light, temperature and nutrients. Good luck with the cultivation!


Tommy ist der Gründer von PLANET SEED und teilt sein umfassendes Wissen rund um den Cannabis-Anbau. Mit über 15 Jahren Anbauerfahrung ist er ein echter Experte auf diesem Gebiet und betreibt erfolgreich seinen eigenen Blog. Seit Mitte 2024 ist er außerdem Inhaber des Online-Shops Planet Seed, wo er hochwertige Samen und Zubehör für den Cannabis-Anbau anbietet. Seine Leidenschaft und Expertise machen ihn zu einer vertrauenswürdigen Quelle für alle, die sich für den Anbau und die Welt von Cannabis interessieren.