PROMIX potting soil 50 litre bag - PLAGRON

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PROMIX potting soil 50 litre bag - PLAGRON

€19,90 EUR

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Promix - 50L - Natural soil for growth and flowering

Fertilize at your own discretion

Plagron Promix consists of carefully selected types of peat. By adding different types of fiber and perlite, the Plagron quality soil has optimal lightness and oxygen content. Promix contains no fertilizers, only Plagron worm humus. Worm humus ensures healthy and rich microbial life in your soil and activates the fertilizers that should be added from day one. Promix is ​​therefore the perfect soil for anyone who wants optimal control over the nutrient supply. Promix delivers even better yields in combination with Plagron Alga Grow, Alga Bloom and the Plagron additives.

  • No fertilizers are added.
  • Maximum control through freedom in fertilization.
  • Fast rooting due to low EC value.

White peat, black peat, fiber peat, worm humus.

Start fertilizing from day one.

50 litre bags.

This product can be used in organic farming according to Regulation (EC) 834/2007.

No nutrients have been added to Promix, only Plagron Turriculi. The turriculi stimulate the growth of soil organisms and activate organic fertilizers, which should be added on the first day of application.

Tips from Plagron

  • Plagron Promix produces the highest yields when used together with Alga Bloom and the Plagron additives.
  • Do not add any additional food for the first 6 weeks.

When can I start adding nutrition as I become more and more proficient with Promix?

You should start feeding from day 1. For more information, visit culture indoor at the growshop of your cultures.

Do I need to adjust the pH when growing with Promix?

According to 100% Style Grow NATURAL, you do not need to adjust the pH when combining Promix with Alga Grow and Alga Bloom.

Can I germinate seeds or take cuttings in Promix?

Yes, in principle it is possible, but due to the lightness of Promix, it will be difficult for seeds or cuttings to absorb moisture. As a result, it will grow less well and faster. The Promix fibers can also hinder the seeds as they lie more and more on the ground, so you should use our sowing and cutting soil instead.

Which soil should I choose if I want to grow with 100% NATURAL?

Are you an experienced 100% NATURAL grower and want as much control over the amount of nutrients as possible, then choose Promix, which allows you to feed your plants one day at a time. Plagron Allmix, Batmix and Royalmix are all soil mixes that are prefertilised for 6 weeks. They are specially created to be combined with 100% NATURAL products.

Choose Plagron Allmix if you grow at high temperatures, with a lot of intensity or in small pots.

Choose Batmix if you want to go for the highest quality and Royalmix if you want to go for the highest yields and a natural fruity taste.

PLAGRON is a Dutch manufacturer and distributor of organic and mineral fertilizers and substrates for indoor and outdoor hydroponics.